How correct breathing and Pranayama helps fight covid19

In many scientific researches, it has been proven many a times that when we are not breathing properly, we are more likely to catch diseases, infection and fall ill. In this fast life, we have forgotten how to breath. Nonetheless, the most vital thing to continue life is “Breathing” and it is being taken for granted by most of the people. Yoga and Meditation have always been guiding people towards proper breathing technique for healthy body and sound mind.

Last week, famous writer JK Rowling has uploaded a video of Dr. Sarfaraz Munshi, head of emergency care at Queen’s hospital in London demonstrating breathing techniques that he said could relieve symptoms and prevent someone developing a secondary pneumonia infection. You can practice deep breathing, on your front side (lie on stomach) you can keep a pillow in front of you and take deep breath from nose for 10 minutes. This has been proven to enhance oxygen taking capacity of lungs and open air-sacs, which can help in removing mucous, inflammatory and residual matter from alveoli.

In the tough time of global pandemic, correct breathing can be your savior. While sitting at home and following all the norms of social distancing, don’t underestimate power of your own lung in protecting you from COVID-19. It is quite important that we focus on breath and correct right method of breathing. Here we have list some of the vital points that can help you in these times, besides social distancing.


Pranayam is controlling breath that is the control of vital energy of the body. In India, Pranayam is known since ancient times, and has been practised to achieve healthy body and mind. In Patanjali, pranayama is mentioned as means of attaining higher states of awareness and holding of breath as important practice to attain higher spiritual attainments. In this time of lockdown, we are getting a blessing in disguise, that we can revisit to our ancient practise and can take benefit which are important for healthy living and stress free life. Recently, when Ashwini G S , daughter of BJP MP has recovered from COVID-19, she told media that she did yoga and ‘pranayama’ during her hospital quarantine, faced almost no symptoms and accomplished in defeating pandemic. She advised, that everyone should do it.

Pranayam is a very effective way to regulate your breathing and decrease the effects of tension. Even Delhi’s first coronavirus patient, Rohit Dutta, also said that he spent his time doing Pranayam when he was undergoing treatment.

One can do Anuloma Viloma as: Start by emptying all the air from your lungs. Using the thumb of your dominant hand, close the right nostril and breathe with the left. Now use the ring finger of the same hand to close the left nostril and breathe out with the right. Remember to breathe into your stomach and not the chest when performing this exercise.

And for Kapalbhati, Sit with a straight spine and empty all the air from your lungs. Take a short breath using both nostrils and exhale sharply as you pull your navel towards your spine. The exhalation has to be short and quick.

In lockdown period, when people cannot visit their gym or fitness centre, they can easily do yoga at home. Yoga can help in uplifting vital energies and give boost to immune system. Benefits of Yoga are not just to help you fight from corona, yoga is a holistic exercising technique which can give you perfect body shape, recharge your body, remove toxins, and keep your organs healthy. If done regularly it can remove any stress and inflammation from body.

Yoga is a complete package in itself, if you do it properly then surely you would not need variety of work outs to meet your fitness goals.  You can start with simple aasans at home and slowly move to higher levels of yoga.

Safeguard Your Lungs
Medical universities and ICMR has been advising people not to fall prey of any rumours about, but follow all good habits to protect lung. For this, you should avoid smoking (actively or passively, both). Open fires are also not good for lungs, exposure to air pollution should also be avoided. Avoid eating anything, that can cause lung congestion such as ice-creams, cold drinks etc.

Boost your Immune System
People who have strong immune system are immune to nearly all diseases. As our body has very perfect of healing and protecting itself, but the when we don’t take care of immune system it can make us ill even from light exposure to pathogens. To keep your immune system healthy, do exercise, stop alcohol consumption, take proper sleep, drink water, eat vitamins and minerals. Exposure to sunlight for some time, can boost your vitamin D level.
One must increase level of vitamin C, which helps in building strong immune system. Vitamin C can be increased by citrus fruits, Amla, etc.

Positive Thinking

Everyone wants to stay updated about corona, watching news these day can cause hysteria to some people because there is bombardment of so much negative news from worldwide. Yes, you should take news fast! If it is very important to stay updated, just watch bullets for update. Knowing everything is not important always, getting into negative stories can subconsciously catch fear that weaken your immune system. Try to avoid spreading any propaganda and panic through chain messages. Stay positive and motivated, people who have this kind of spirit has fought even with serious terminal diseases.  Just spread love and kindness, by helping as much as you can.

Written by
Neha Rajan
Clinical Hypnotherapist and Wellness Coach


  1. Very important and useful information in such times where people are already having mental and anxiety issues due to lockdown.


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